Prior Years Approved Ordinances/Resolutions
Approved 12/14/22 - Ordinance 121422B - Amendment of Salem City Fee/Rate Schedule for Road Closure PermitApproved 12/14/22 - Ordinance 121422A - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain properties within Salem City, Known as CUWCD Zone Change Approved 11/02/22 - Ordinance 110222B - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as Moonlight Village zone change
Approved 11/02/22 - Ordinance 110222 - Amendment of Salem City/Rate Schedule for addition of sidewalk, driveway approach and curb and gutter bondApproved 10/19/22 - Resolution 101922C - A Resolution on Electric Revenue Bonds Series 2022 Approved 10/19/22 - Resolution 101922B - A Resolution of the city council (the"council") of the City of Salem, Utah (the"city") approving the appointing of two trustees to the board of trustees for the Arrowhead Spring Public Infrastructure DistrictApproved 10/19/22 - Resolution 101922A - A Resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain action by Salem City against Carol J. Miller for a portion of parcel# 30:046:0008Approved 10/05/22 - Ordinance 100522 - Amendment of Salem City Fee/Rate Schedule and Title Seven - Criminal Code, Chapter 3 - Miscellaneous
Approved 9/21/22 - Ordinance 92122B - An Ordinance amending 14-14-040 (10) of Salem City Municipal Code related to metal buildings in the C-1 zone
Approved 09/21/22 - Ordinance 92122A - An Ordinance amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code related to car washes
Approved 8/17/22 - Ordinance 81722E - An Ordinance amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code related to minimum residential lot size standardsApproved 8/17/22 - Ordinance 81722D - An Ordinance amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code related to Roof PitchesApproved 8/17/2022 - Ordinance 81722A - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, Know as the Self Help Homes zone change
Approved 08/03/2022 - Resolution 80322 - A Resolution adopting a tax rate for the 2022 (2023 Fiscal Year)
Approved 06/22/2022 - Ordinance 62222 - An Ordinance amending 2-15-020 and 2-15-040, of Salem City Municipal Code related to membership and chairperson of the development Review Committee(DRC)Approved 06/22/2022 - Resolution 62222B - A Resolution authorizing an increase of city pick up of Public Safety and Firefighter Employee Retirement ContributionsApproved 06/22/2022 - Resolution 62222A - A Resolution Proposing Property Tax Rate for 2022
Approved 06/01/2022 - Resolution 60122B - A Resolution of the Salem City Council regarding background verification for employment with Salem CityApproved 06/01/2022 - Resolution 60122A - A Resolution adopting and approving an emergency operations plan for Salem City
Approved 05/04/2022 -Ordinance 50422B - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as Avance Homes zone change.Approved 05/04/2022 - Ordinance 50422A - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Salem Fields zone change and approving the development agreement for the Salem Fields
Approved 04/20/2022 - Resolution 42022 - A Resolution adopting the 2022 MAG Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
Approved 3/16/2022 - Ordinance 31622 - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the The William Burk zone change
Approved 03/16/2022 - Resolution 31622 - A Resolution adopting the stormwater pollution prevention plan/land disturbance (swppp/ldp) fee schedule
Approved 02/16/2022 - Ordinance 21622 - An Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Timber Ranch zone change
Approved 02/02/2022 - Ordinance 20222 - An Ordinance adopting the Salem City area plan for the New Salem portion of the General Plan
Approved 01/19/2022 - Resolution 11922 - A Resolution authorizing the mayor and city recorder to enter into a lease-purchase agreement for equipment for the fiber department
Approved 01/19/2022 - Ordinance 11922 - An Ordinance adopting a typical street right-of-way standard for townhome developments