When Ordinances/Resolutions are approved, we will be posting them on this page Approved 12/08/21 - Ordinance 120821 - A Ordinance changing the zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Glad C & Karen P Lewis zone change Approved 12/08/21 - Resolution 120821 - A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Recorder to enter into a lease-purchase agreement for equipment for the Fiber DepartmentApproved 11/17/21 - Resolution 111721B - A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute donations of easements to the United States Department of Interior for the Spanish Fork Santaquin pipeline - Salem Reach 1 ProjectApproved 11/17/21 - Resolution 111721A - A Resolution establishing the 2022 Primary Election on June 28, 2022 or General Election on November 8, 2022, as the election to consider a possible referendum challenging the adoption of Ordinance No. 102021.Approved 11/16/21 - Resolution 111621 - A Resolution Certifying the canvass of the 2021 Salem City Municipal General ElectionApproved 10/20/21 - Ordinance 102021 - An Ordinance annexing and zoning property known as the BYU Farm Annexation
Approved 10/20/21 - Annexation MPD Agreement Viridian Farms (BYU Annexation)Approved 10/06/21 - Ordinance 100621 - An Ordinance annexing and zoning property known as the S&J Bird AnnexationApproved 9/15/21 - Resolution 91521B - A Resolution Establishing a Procedure to Fill a Vacant City Council Seat Approved 9/15/21 - Resolution 91521A - A Resolution Approving Mutual Aid Agreement for Electrical Power Systems in the Event of an EmergencyApproved 9/15/21 - Ordinance 91521 - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the Bringhurst Zone ChangeApproved 8/24/21 - Resolution 82421 - A Resolution Certifying the Canvass of the 2021 Salem City Municipal Primary Election Approved 8/1/21 - Resolution 81821 - A Resolution Re-approving the Indicating Intent to Annex Property Known as the S & J Bird AnnexationApproved 8/04/21 - Ordinance 80421 - An Ordinance Changing the Future Land Use Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the Moonlight Village General Plan ChangeApproved 7/21/21 - Ordinance 72121C - An Ordinance Amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to Detached Accessory Dwelling UnitsApproved 7/21/21 - Ordinance 72121B - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the Warren RX Holdings Zone ChangeApproved 7/21/21 - Ordinance 72121A - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the BMP Development Zone ChangeApproved 7/07/21 - Resolution 70721 - A Resolution Adopting Salem Fiber RatesApproved 7/07/21 - Ordinance 70721B - An Ordinance Amending title 11, Chapter 5, of the Salem City Municipal Code Adopting a Telecommunications UtilityApproved 7/07/21 - Ordinance 70721A - An Ordinance amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to Average Density in the R-8, R-10, R-12, and R-15 ZonesApproved 6/16/21 - Resolution 61621 - A Resolution Adopting a Certified Tax Rate for 2021Approved 6/16/21 - Ordinance 61621 - An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property Known as the Wood-Evans AnnexationApproved 6/02/21 - Ordinance 60221 - Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Parks and Recreation Impact FeesApproved 5/19/21 - Ordinance 51921 - An Ordinance Adopting Culinary Water Design Standards
Approved 5/19/21 -Resolution 51921 - A Resolution Appointing a City Manager
Approved 5/05/21 - An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property Known as The Brighton AnnexationApproved 4/21/21 - Ordinance 42121D - An Ordinance Amending Title 2 of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to Chapter 3, 3a, and 6 - Mayor, City Manager, and Public Safety DirectorApproved 4/21/21 - Resolution 42121 - A Resolution amending Residential Pressure Irrigation Water RatesApproved 4/21/21 - Ordinance 42121C - Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Wastewater (Sewer) Impact FeesApproved 4/21/21 - Ordinance 42121B - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the Fieldstone Homes Zone ChangeApproved 4/21/21 - Ordinance 42121A - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem City, Known as the LHD Real Estate Zone ChangeApproved 4/7/21 - Resolution 40721 - A Resolution Approving the Municipal Wastewater Planning Program Self Assessment Report for 2020Approved 3/17/21 - Ordinance 31721A - Impact Fee Enactment Ordinance for Drinking Water and Pressurized Irrigation Impact FeesApproved 3/17/21 - Ordinance 31721C - An Ordinance Adopting a Salem City Power Electrical Requirements & Standards ManualApproved 3/3/21 - Resolution 30321A - A Resolution Approving An Interlocal Agreement with Utah County To Administer the 2021 Municipal ElectionApproved 3/3/21 - Resolution 30321B - A Resolution Appointing Chief Brad James to The South Utah Valley Animal Shelter BoardApproved 2/3/21 - Ordinance 20321 - An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property known as the Broadhollow Estates AnnexationApproved 01/06/21 - Ordinance 10621 - An Ordinance Re-Approving Annexing and Zoning Property Known as the M Davis Addition AnnexationApproved 1/06/21 - Resolution 10621 - A Resolution indicating intent to Annex Property known as the S & J Bird AnnexationApproved 12/09/20 - Ordinance 120920A - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the Porter, Salem Hollow and Treeline Zone ChangeApproved 12/09/20 - Ordinance 120920B - An Ordinance Changing the Zoning designation of certain property within Salem City, known as the BK Salem Zone ChangeApproved 12/09/20 - Ordinance 120920C - An Ordinance Amending Title 14, Chapter 23 of the Salem City Municipal Code related to landscaping requirements for storage unitsApproved 12/09/20 - Ordinance 120920D - An Ordinance Amending Title 14 of the Salem City Municipal Code related to the Prohibition of Tobacco Specialty Businesses from retail sales in commercial and industrial zonesApproved 12/09/20 - Ordinance 120920E - An Ordinance Amending Title 3, Chapter 4, of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to PurchasingApproved 11/18/20 - Ordinance 111820A - An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property Known as the J&E Roberts AnnexationApproved 11/18/20 - Ordinance 111820B - Salem City Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance
Approved 10/21/20 - Ordinance 102120 - An Ordinance Amending Section 14-1-060, of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to Setbacks for Accessory Structures on Corner Lots
Approved 9/16/20 - Ordinance 91620B - Annexing and Zoning Property Known as the M Davis Addition Annexation
Approved 9/16/20 - Ordinance 91620A - Changing the Zoning Designation of Certain Property within Salem CityApproved 9/2/20 - Resolution 90220 - Making Changes to the Personnel PolicyApproved 8/19/20 - Resolution 81920 - Fiber Bond Parameter Resolution Approved 7/15/20 - Ordinance 71520B - An Ordinance Modifying the City Water RatesApproved 7/15/20 - Resolution 71520B -A Resolution Amending Electric Utility RatesApproved 7/15/20 - Resolution 71520A - A Resolution Amending Pressure Irrigation Water Rates Approved 7/15/20 - Ordinance 71520A - An Ordinance for the Disposal or Lease of Public PropertyApproved 7/1/20 - Ordinance 70120 - An Ordinance Vacating A Portion of Public Streets Known as 200 North and 300 East StreetsApproved 6/17/20 - Ordinance 61720A - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 9, OF SALEM CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTIONApproved 6/17/20 - Ordinance 61720B - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 12, CHAPTER 1, OF THE SALEM CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO STOP WORK ORDERSApproved 5/6/2020 - Ordinance 50620 - An Ordinance Annexing and Zoning Property Known as the Jackson AnnexationApproved 4/15/2020 - Ordinance 41520 - An Ordinance Amending Title 8, Chapter 2, of the Salem City Municipal Code Related to Parking, to Include Trailers and Other Items that are not Defined as Vehicles.
Approved 4/1/2020 - Ordinance 40120A - An Ordinance Making Accessory Dwelling Units Permitted Uses in Certain Zoning Districts