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In compliance with the A.D.A., individuals needing special accommodations during this meeting should notify the Salem City Office at 30 W. 100 S. or call (801)423-2770 at least three working days prior to meeting.
February 19, 2025 CM Agenda
Salem City Council Meeting will also be held electronically, using the Zoom program.
If you would like to participate, please call the city offices (801-423-2770) or email (salemcity@salemcity.org) before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19th to request the link.
DATE: (City Council Chamber 30 West 100 South)
5:00 p.m. City Council Tour New Fire Station
6:00 p.m. WORK SESSION
- Agenda Item Discussion
- Staff/Council Reports
1. Volunteer Motivational/Inspirational Message
2. Invitation to Say Pledge of Allegiance
- SHHS State Champion Recognition
- Youth Council Report
5. SF / Salem Chamber Report
- Public Hearing
a. Ordinance Reducing Sewer Impact Fee
- Decision: Ordinance Reducing Sewer Impact Fee
- Mutual Aid Agreement between Salem City and Spanish Fork City for Technical Assistance, Equipment Usage, and Manpower.
9. Decision: Meeting Minutes – February 5, 2025
10. Decision: Bills for Payment
- Matt Marziale, Manager
- Chief Brad James, Public Safety Dept.
- Steve Cox, Building Dept.
- Walter Bird, Attorney
- Lisa Webster, City Planner
Salem City Council Meeting
February 19, 2025 – page 2
- Jeffrey Nielson, Finance/Recorder
- Adam Clements, Electrical Dept.
18. Bradey Wilde, Engineering Dept.
19. John Bowcut, Fiber Dept.
20. Jen Wright, Recreation Dept.
21. James Thomas, Public Works Dept.
- Mayor Kurt L Christensen
a. Finances/Budget
b. City Employees
c. Miss Salem
d. UMPA Report
e. Public Safety
- Councilperson Kelly Peterson
a. Power
b. Fiber
c. SUVPS Report
24. Councilperson Cristy Simons
a. Parks & Recreation
b. Chamber of Commerce
- Councilperson Cynthia Deveraux Rees
a. Library
b. Solid Waste/Recycling
c. Youth Council
- Councilperson Paul Taylor
a. Water (Primary & Secondary)
b. Mt Nebo & SUVMWA
27. Councilperson Tim De Graw
a. Sewer
b. Storm Drain
c. Roads & Trails
- CLOSED SESSION -The Salem City Council may temporarily recess the regular meeting and convene in a closed session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property or water; or to discuss the character, professional competence or physical or mental health of an individual as provided by Utah Code Annotated §52-4-205.
Please Note: If you have an item that you would like to have discussed before the City Council, please fill out a request form, which is available online at salemcity.org or at the City Office, and return it to the City Office by 5:00 p.m. the Thursday prior to the meeting you would like to attend.