Help Local BusinessesHelp for small business owners can be found at the Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development. Burger King Fast Gas #1 (Grand Prix Grill) Gandolfo’s Main Street Pizza Oriental Garden Salem Hills Pharmacy SoCali Grill Soda Retreat Stan’s Drive In Stokes Subway The Pie Sisters |
Salem City Covid-19 InformationGovernor Herbert----State of Emergency State of Emergency Order can be found at the following link Utah County Mask Order As of September 22, 2020 Utah County has issued a Mask Order for all of Utah County. We ask the residents of Salem to read the order and follow their recommendations. Please wear a mask. To read the Mask Order follow the link. Posted May 2020: Salem City Residents, as you are aware, Governor Herbert changed most of the state of Utah to a Yellow Phase of the Covid-19 Response. Because of this change, Salem City is now in the Yellow Risk Phase. This has allowed us to open some of our activities in the Salem Parks, Recreation and soon the Library. All activities will be regulated with the Yellow Phase health guidelines. You will begin to see a lot of recreational activities begging this week in the city parks. Some of these activities include Youth Baseball, Softball, Adult Softball and Youth Soccer. Again, all activities will be regulated with the Yellow Phase health guidelines. City Playgrounds were also opened on Saturday, May 16th. Playgrounds are being disinfected daily, 4 times a day. All persons that enter the parks are required to be in good health. Persons with: Fever, Dry cough, pains and aches or simply do not feel good should stay home. We also encourage you to still practice social distancing and wearing a mask. Look out for each other, help where you can, we are all in this together, and we will get through this together. Thank you for helping make Salem City a great place to live. Mayor Kurt Christensen City Office Pay utilities by phone by calling our office at 801-423-2770 Pay utilities online at Please call before coming to our office. Many questions can be answered and don't require face to face contact. If you do need to come in, we will be conducting business through the window at the South-West entrance only. Salem City Police All non-emergency calls for law enforcement services can be made to the following numbers; Salem City Police Department (801) 423-2312 Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Central Dispatch (801) 794-3970 24 hours / 7 days a week If you have an emergency, immediately call 911. Coronavirus ScamsScammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding Coronavirus. Follow these tips to protect yourself and your family:
Senior Shopping Hours Stokes: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7 to 9:00 a.m. Costco: Tuesday & Thursday from 8 to 9:00 a.m. Walmart: Tuesday from 6 to 7:00 a.m. Macey’s: Daily from 8 to 9:00 a.m. South Utah Valley Animal Shelter General Information Utah County Health Department: World Health Organization: |