Salem Days Coed Softball TournamentCo-ed Softball Tournament, 6-10 pm, Thursday, August 9th & Friday, August 10th 2012CLICK HERE for full details, registry, and waiver formsCLICK HERE for rules. CLICK HERE for tournament information. Hey Batter Batter… S-W-I-N-G! Thursday, August 9th & Friday, August 10th Salem Days is proud to announce our annual Softball Tournament. Dust off the red dirt from your cleats, oil your mitts, and get ready to “play ball’. This years tournament is open to the first 18 teams. It fills up quickly each year so get your teams put together and come register at the Salem Parks & Recreation office: 60 North 100 East, Salem. FEE: $150.00 per team (no non-residents fee this year) For more information please contact: Salem Parks & Recreation 801-423-1035. Co-ed Softball Rules |