Dutch Oven Cook Off - Saturday, August 3, 2024 Salem Community Center

Check In & Set Up: 10:00 am - 10:30 am (no teams will be allowed to start setting up prior to 10:00 am or risk disqualification)

Judging: Begins at 2pm - 4pm
Winners Announced After Judging is Complete

Categories: Main Dish/Desserts


            No Entry Fee- PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED
            We encourage you to pre-register

Date:………………….…..  Saturday, August 3, 2024

Place:……………………... Salem Community Center

                                                        151 W 300 S

                                                         Salem, Utah

Check In & Set-Up Time:..............  10:00 am - 10:30 am (no early birds)

Judging:  From 2pm - 4pm

Award Presentation: After Judging is complete

Categories: ………….Main Dish/Dessert



General Rules

1. Each team must consist of at least two adults over 18 years old.
2. Contestants may participate in one or both categories (main dish and/or dessert).

3. Contestants must provide the judges and committee with recipes of entries. Recipes should be typed on an 8 ½” x 11” paper, you also need to bring 10 or so copies of your recipe to hand out. They should include all ingredients and complete instructions on how to prepare each dish. Outside the realm of copyright, the recipes become the property of the cook–off for subsequent publication in cook–off cookbooks or publicity.
4. Ingredients cannot be of a precooked nature (e.g., hotdog and spam). All entry ingredients must be prepared on site. No pre–mixing or off–site preparation of any ingredient (e.g. ready made crusts, pasta, etc.).
5. All ingredients must be cooked in Dutch oven or on Dutch oven lids. Must also be cooked on charcoal. (No Propane) If the recipe calls for melting or warming a sauce in a separate pot that is not a Dutch oven that is permitted over the coals.
6. Participating teams will provide their own Dutch ovens, utensils, recipe, ingredients, and charcoal.
7. Contestants will present their completed dish to judges at an assigned time beginning at 2 p.m. Items to be judged will be brought to the judge’s table in a Dutch oven or on a Dutch oven lid. Only one item per category per team will be judged.
8. The judges will judge the entry when it is presented at the table. The decision of the judges shall be final.
9. Use good fire safety practices.
10. Contestants are asked to exercise care in the cleanliness of their food preparation and cooking. Keep the preparation area and utensils clean. Use a washbasin or wet wipes for hands. Use a cooler for perishables and do not put Dutch oven lids on the ground. Food Prep gloves are recommended.
11. Entrants may not be professional cooks.
12. No use of electrical outlets at the pavilion, or use of electrical kitchen appliances, to prepare food.
13. No access to the Community Center is allowed.
14. We recommend bringing your own pop-up for shade.
16. Teams are not allowed to reserve spots. Spots will be assigned by the committee.
17. Good sportsmanship is expected of all teams and their participants!
18. No sharing of judges sheets post event.